Paradise keep a paradise - Out Reach Define

Paradise keep a paradise

Paradise keep a paradise -

Keeping Paradise a Paradise

Delphine Robbe - The Eco Warrior the first day, it was love at first sight with the relaxed pace tropical island of Gili Trawangan . Orange-red sunsets bleeding and clear blue seas, daily dives and interesting people. But what started as a short pause on the A-List vacation island off Lombok Delphine Robbe turned into a residence of nine years and his passionate dedication to the Gili Eco Trust (GET) NGOs to restore and protect the natural beauty of Gili Trawangan. With his love of scuba diving and the tropics has not been difficult for Delphine to pack in France and relocate Gili Trawangan, a popular diving island to become a diving instructor.

With a Masters degree in Agronomy Engineering it was easy for her to return to the long-term risk of increasing pollution problems on the island. What became hard was the treatment of issues at hand there and then start to create the action and support for the Gili Eco Trust and its projects, which have since become very successful in making the island a better place for everyone.

Speaking at the recent TEDx conference in Ubud, Delphine had a powerful impact on the public. Not only does it dive and teach diving regularly on Gili Trawangan, but also practices yoga underwater in just reverse gravity for fun and love to be in the water. This close relationship with water is also the player who brought her full time with the participation coral reef restoration program Biorock on damaged reefs Trawangan. Coral bleaching and destructive fishing methods have damaged much of the reef there, and therefore global warming and waves and strong currents storms that reduced much of the seabed coral debris over time.

Biorock Formations The Biorock system grows coral using underwater steel structures made of rebar in substance parts of corals surrounding reefs are attached. The structure is connected to a low voltage electricity to create an electrolysis effect that stimulates coral growth up to six times faster than normal rate, perfect for areas depleted reefs off Trawangan.

Funded by local businesses, the few government grants and a "tax First Dive" of Rp.50,000 on first dive everyone in Gili Trawangan Keep A Paradise Paradise, EEG and its regeneration system of Biorock corals has a strong support group and the results show. Speaking of the front line, Delphine reports that "Some reefs have recovered and you can see the fields, or patches, corals covering the seabed instead of coral debris before.

on reefs with a slope corals die and roll with the movement of the water because they can not cement in place that the seabed is unstable. in areas protected with funds flatter, you can see a faster recovery of corals, especially in the Biorock dive site in the southeastern part of Trawangan where before no one dive and now everyone dives and enjoys. We will continue Biorock programs in the necessary areas where the companies are ready to supply power to protect, restore and preserve the reefs off for a sustainable future. "

Another recent marketing of EEG for the Sea works with Project Aware and Water Alliance in the fish market near Tanjung Luar to find alternatives to the killing of sharks and rays manta / mobula for their fins and gills.

Gili Eco Trust The EEG has existed since 2001, but with the participation of Delphine was in 2004 when the Biorock program got its real start. Being blonde does not speak Indonesian did not feel like a big obstacle to getting his message at first, but the locals were already on a similar page with a collective patrol Youth Team (SATGAS) that began in 1999 which was supported by the local dive shops to find and arrest the fishermen using dynamite to destroy the reefs further.

The EEG was then formed by local dive shops to help fund the Satgas patrols and later become involved in more projects like Biorock with growing support and Delphine on board. Over the years Delphine learn Indonesian and also how to run such an environmental program in a country that was very new to her. Finally, local businesses, people, and even the regional government should support and trust him, which educates about Delphine and implement the regrowth of corals and other eco-projects on Gili Trawangan.

The bottom line is that tourism on Gili Trawangan is booming. With each new boat comes more visitors, more divers and more money being injected into the holiday island. On the flip side it also brings more development and more waste. Like most of Indonesia on Trawangan residents burn their garbage, mostly plastic included. To avoid this Delphine said: "I insist on No Plastic Bags. We constantly distribute free reusable bags to markets, mosques and schools. Sometimes I feel like ecological policy that people try to behave when they see me coming, but if this is how they'll turn it into a habit, so why not! "

" They (people) trust me now, "it advances." It took some time, but as I said, I do not leave and I do not give up, and I ' learned not to cry and be polite to their culture and their way of doing things. "

Underwater Cleanup With this local trust and support, the GET was not only pushed the coral reef Trawangan, but is very active on the ground too. To date, the EEG has installed 1,000 bins on the three Gili islands and created a waste sorting and recycling, which reuses plastics, paper and metals, compost and natural waste creates tetra bricks from waste to return to Bali for later use by enviro-partner Eco Bali. In local schools, children are educated about the importance of proper waste disposal. Best of all, every first Friday of the month is a community cleanup day held by the dive shops, and local school FMPL (collection of waste from the island and treatment program), and tourists are invited to join the one snorkeling option to help out.

Anyone who has visited the Gilis know that there are no cars or motorbikes and bicycles only and horses for transportation. This is part of the charm Gili, but when ill-treatment and disease made Gili horses live only a few years compared to the 25 long years they should be, tourists began to take note and wrote letters concerned the Animal Network Aid Jakarta (JAAN).

This triggered a visit to Trawangan and the program set up by JAAN which is managed by the GET that provides free horse clinic every month for checkups. The biggest problem with the horses was a lack of fresh water and fatigue, but after three years of clinical and education, it is obvious that the owners give their horses more fresh water and take care of 'them. Cats are supported too with free sterilization clinic every six months.

Indonesia is a beautiful part of the world even though it has its problems like anywhere else. Fortunately, there are people like Delphine there who take the initiative and time to help the situation rather than just watch and comment on it. It is all about doing your part and be part of the solution to keep the paradise paradise.

For more information on Delphine Robbe and Gili Eco Trust go to: