Taufan could be the child's stronger than you'll ever meet. It is seven years now, but it was the fight against leukemia since he was five. He will not back down. His strength gives the other the strength of children.
Taufan is actually so strong that he did not stay at Rumah Sakit Cipto in Salemba, more. Cipto normally houses around 40 to 50 children fighting against cancer, leukemia and other serious diseases. Tuafan only has to travel by bus with his mom Bekasi every few weeks for chemotherapy. He falls in, rest a few nights, joking with the nurses, winning more volunteers, then returns to her friends and family before he must do so again next month.
What makes Taufan stand out is his fearless eyes. He's alive too busy worrying about what might happen tomorrow. It is never sad. He does not complain. He smiled through the pain.
But the story is not sad Taufan. Taufan is out of the woods, his hair grow and he is preparing to register again in school.
There are dozens of children like Taufan who would interact with volunteers willing to find and spend a few hours, reading, chit-chat and tell jokes. And fortunately, there are many voluntary organizations looking for people who can give their time. Organizations such as the Kiddies cancer of Mary, Yayasan Kasih Anak Kanker Indonesia Three little angels are always looking for volunteers, ideas and energy.
Another reason volunteering in places like Cipto are important is that volunteers give parents a much needed break from the overwhelming obligation to care for their children. Most parents, including of Taufan can not work because the management Taufan is working 24 hours. Taufan's father used to be a pilot, but lost his job when he had to work to travel with his son to the hospital.
There are a million ways to give, but what we do not recognize what we get when we think we give. Taufan taught nurses, volunteers, parents and other children at Cipto there is nothing we can not overcome, smiling at what life gives us and especially to never give up, no matter what life throws at us.