In Britain the first person who crosses the threshold on New Day Year, Aos foreshadows what will happen to the year. On the Isle of Man, qualtagh (Manx) was the first foot (first person or creature we meet leaving the house) of great importance for the superstitious, particularly women when they first out after lying-in. The qualtagh can also be the first person who enters a house on nine morning. In this case, it is customary to place before people the best family fare can afford. It was considered lucky if the qualtagh was a person (a man being preferred to a woman), of dark complexion, like meeting a person of fair complexion at that time, especially if the red headed, would be thought very unlucky. It is curious that superstition in Scotland is exactly the opposite of that, aÌ say, meet a person with fair skin was happy. If qualtagh were spaagagh (splayfooted), it would be considered very unhappy.
In Vietnam, the New Year is called Tet Nguyen Dan, or Tet for short. It begins between January 21 and February 19 and they used to believe that the god traveled on the back of a fish called a carp, and today they sometimes buy a live carp, and then let it go free in a river or pond. Tet is considered everyone, aos birthday because everybody becomes a year older at the time.
In Greece, New Year Day, OSA is also the Festival of St. Basil. St. Basil was famous for his kindness, and Greek children leave their shoes by the fire on New Year Day, AOS with the hope that it will fill the shoes with gifts.
In Kerala, in southern India, mothers put food, flowers and small gifts on a special shelf. Nine in the morning, the children must keep their eyes closed until they were brought to the bar. In central India, orange flags are flown from buildings on New Year Day, OSA.
The Chinese New Year is based on the lunar calendar that occurs between mid-January and mid-February and lasts 15 days. They don, AOT wear black during this holiday. They believe that you should not sweep on New Year Day, AOS you'll sweep all the wealth and good luck. The first person one meets and the first words heard are significant as to what fortunes would be for the entire year. It is a sign of the chance to see or hear songbirds or birds or red swallows. It is considered unlucky to greet someone in their bedroom so everyone, even the sick, should get dressed and sit in the lounge. Do not use knives or scissors on New Year Day, OSA because it can cut fortune. Red clothing is preferred during this festive occasion. Red is considered a bright happy color, sure to bring the user a sunny and bright future.
is believed that appearance and attitude during the New Year, Aos sets the tone for the rest of the year. Children and unmarried friends and relatives are given little red envelopes with money net notes inserted for good fortune. The entire house should be cleaned before New Year Day, OSA. The New Year, Aos Eve, all cleaning equipment is set aside. Sweeping or dusting should not be done on New Year Day, AOS lest good fortune will be swept away. Day after New Year, Aos, floors can be swept. Beginning at the door, the dust and debris are swept away in the middle of the living room and placed in the corners and not taken or thrown out until the fifth day. At no time, rubbish in the corners be trampled. By scanning, there is a superstition that if you sweep the dirt on the doorstep, you scan a family member away.
Iranians jump over fires as part of a purification ritual before the start of their new year Nouruz, held on the spring equinox, which falls on 20 or 21 April. One of the features of this celebration of thirteen days is a ritual meal adorned seven items that begin with the letter S, including garlic and a corn pudding; a goldfish bowl is also on the table. On the last day, it is considered bad luck to stay inside, so often they participate in special events picnic.
In Cambodia 13th April is New Year, Aos Eve Chaul Chnam Thmey (entering the new year) and lasts three days. Cambodians clean their homes and altars at home to welcome the New Angel, which is the guardian and protector for the new year. Throwing water to another is an important feature, a way to bless each other. This arouses laughter, a highly sought after commodity in the future. Sometimes the water is red, pink or yellow to symbolize a colorful future.